The Salvation Army
Ottawa Grace Manor



A need for restructuring within the Ontario Health Care system resulted in the Salvation Army Ottawa Grace Manor being built in 2002, replacing the Grace Hospital. The Salvation Army Ottawa Grace Manor is governed by a Board of Governance in conjunction with The Salvation Army Divisional Headquarters. The Grace Manor is licensed with the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, and has been granted a three year accreditation by the Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation. Since it’s opening in 2002 the Grace has undergone annual inspections by the Compliance Officers within the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.

Ottawa Grace Manor has 5 Resident Home Areas with either 25 or 26 beds on each, for a total of 128 residents. The home area on the first floor (Gladstone) is a secure home area. Two home areas are on the second floor (Queen and Parkdale) and two home areas are on the third floor (Wellington and Rosemount). Each home area is self-contained with its own dining room, lounge area, nursing station, laundry room, and activity room.

Members of the Senior Management team coordinate services of the Manor to ensure an effective and efficient operation in a climate which nurtures the Grace Manor’s mission, vision, philosophy, and goals.

Staff and volunteers are highly valued and respected. They work in a healthy and supportive environment where a consistently high level of performance is expected and recognized. Our staff and volunteers collaborate with residents, families/representatives, and friends, working as a team they seek opportunities to cooperate with other individuals and organizations in the interest of the residents. Personal and professional development of our staff and volunteers is encouraged and supported by all levels within the management team.

The Salvation Army, is an integral part of the Christian church. It is an international movement (located in more than 110 countries) motivated by love for God and a practical concern for mankind. The prime mission of William and Catherine Booth was to preach the gospel. However, they recognized the there was also the need for physical, emotional and social restoration within mankind. To meet that need a more balanced ministry was required. The sought to address the basic needs of mankind from it’s beginnings in 1865.

The Salvation Army commenced work in Canada in 1882 in London Ontario. In 1922, at the corner of Parkdale and Wellington the Grace Hospital was born.

Our Mission